Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan. 24 - What I've done this week!

Well, first let me say that I'm sort of surprised I've done anything this week.  Here's a summary of my week:

Mom was in ICU from Monday to Thursday and came home on Friday.  I stayed with her from Monday to Thursday, finally slept in my own bed Thursday night (which was AWESOME), and went back to work on Friday.  I reinstated my blog Thursday night in an attempt to get off to a good start in my classes.  After work Friday, I went to Mom's to get her settled in, and while waiting in her driveway, installed Instapaper on my iPhone, having already done that on my home and work laptops on Thursday. 
I goofed off on Saturday since my brother was staying with Mom and my next turn was coming.  I watched TV, did laundry, played with the cat as well as online.  I didn't do a lot of classwork but I did a little reading on the message boards.  On Sunday, I went to church, shopped, and napped before going to Mom's in the evening for her birthday.  I also spent the night, and installed Delicious on my work computer, which I have found is nice to have home on the weekends.
Since Monday was a school holiday, I took care of Mom on her birthday.  My brothers located my late grandfather's old lift chair, which wasn't being used, in a friend's house.  It has been a real boon for Mom.  People brought food so I didn't even need to cook, just heat stuff up.  Mom's friend JoAnn came to stay the night, so I went home.  I called in for Tuesday because I didn't have anyone to stay with Mom during the day.  She had a pretty good day.  More food!  I am on the fried chicken and doughnut diet.  I read through some of the messages on the boards.
I went back to school on Wednesday and worked today too.  My cousin stayed with Mom yesterday and my brother stayed today.  Yesterday she ate well but had a lot of company.  When they all left, she was ill as a hornet.  A nap helped matters a great deal.  I did no homework or schoolwork... just hung out on her couch when she was resting, and followed her around while she piddled through the house with her walker.  This afternoon, I went back to Mom's where I relieved my brother until JoAnn returned around 7.  Actually both brothers stayed for awhile after I got there.  While there, I tweaked an old test to administer tomorrow (if we don't get iced over). 

Now it's nearly 10 and I'm home again, wondering if the wintry mix that's predicted will allow me a little more time to work on my classwork.  I hope so.  I am so far behind in my grading, planning, and my own classwork.  Of course tonight I goofed off online for an hour before getting onto D2L.  Oh, well.  Tomorrow's Friday and even if I have to work, Fridays are usually a little more relaxed and fun at school.  If I don't have to work, I have to go to Mom's to relieve my brother at 1:00.  I have installed Delicious on my home computer tonight too.  I tried it a few years ago and didn't like it.  Now it seems a lot more user-friendly.  Also, I downloaded the GenieO page.  I find it a little creepy because it has obviously used my search history... oh boy.  :D

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