Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sat., Jan. 26 - overwhelmed but maintaining

I'm managing so far this semester... by the grace of God!

Just briefly I want to mention the blogs I am following.  Originally I had a different list of 3 I think, but I couldn't find it and decided to go back and select them again.

1.  The Innovative Educator.  I already had this blog in my Google Reader but I didn't realize it!  A couple of years ago I took a class where I had to follow blogs and and it was on my Blogger page too.

2. Edutopia blog.  When I first started teaching, an assistant principal suggested I look for ideas on Edutopia.  Well, I was overwhelmed and knew most of that stuff was way over my head and out of my control.  Some of it still is, but I don't find this website quite as intimidating anymore.

3. 21st Century Educational Technology & Learning.  A friend, fellow educator and informal mentor retired at Christmas.  She is still young, but she's been an educator for well over 30 years and she felt it was time to do it.  I understood, totally, and I don't blame her.  Though I felt she adapted well to the computer age, I was reminded that she and many of her friends and colleagues became teachers in the 20th century and that was the way she learned to teach, and there was nothing wrong with that!  However, today's students - especially when they get to high school, where I teach - are digital natives.  Though I "immigrated" at a pretty young age, I can relate to both ways, and I can use any help with technology I can get!

Just for fun, here is one I also had on Google Reader that I find interesting:  The Fischbowl.  I don't always agree with Karl Fisch but he's very intelligent and his blog is thought provoking.

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